AAD115 - Interaction Design Fundamentals

I'll be posting supporting material for COM559 here. If you're unfamiliar with GitHub, I'd suggest you educate yourself. You should all be learning about version control and, by using GitHub for my supporting lecture content, I hope to ensure you're aware of it.

You can get an introduction to GitHub here:

Please watch this page. This will ensure you're kept up to date when the file changes (you'll be notified in your GitHub newsfeed when any changes are made).

Week 01 - The Adventure Ahead

This is an introduction… Overview of the module, meet the teaching team, paper prototyping.

Week 02 - Point

We're starting with the smallest possible building block - the point - we'll use this across a range of exercises on paper that investigate and explore form and composition.

Week 03 - Line

The line…

Week 04 - Plane

Something about planes… This week we'll explore tone, etc., we'll look at compositional approaches: the golden section, the law of thirds, etc., etc.

Week 05 - Typography

The word. The sentence. The paragraph.

Week 06 - Colour

We introduce colour.

Week 07 - Content is King

Content here.

Week 08 - Break

I'd encourage all students to attend Break. Students on this

Week 09 - ????

Content here.

Week 10 - ????

Content here.

Week 11 - ????

Content here.

Week 12 - Pricing and Positioning

Content here.

Questions? Contact the module coordinator: Christopher Murphy.